LINK Transit
- Address: 425 S. Lexington Avenue
- Burlington, NC 27215
- Phone: 336-222-5465 (LINK)
Link Transit is here to make your life easier! Whether you’re traveling for work, school, an appointment or just for fun, we invite you to ride, enjoy and connect! Link Transit is your local transportation partner, serving Burlington, Elon, Graham, Gibsonville and Alamance Community College. Our number one goal – to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors by providing a safe, reliable and cost effective mobility solution. Buses operate on five routes and a door to door paratransit service, Monday-Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Buses pass by bus stops every 90 minutes. Buses are equipped to accommodate 2 bicycles and 2 wheelchairs. For more information, call 336.222.5465, visit, email or find us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) at @LinkTransitNC. Waiting for the Bus Arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes early. Each bus stop sign is identified with the route color name. When waiting for the bus, stand at the nearest bus stop sign. Link Buses only stop at Link Bus Stop signs/locations. Each bus is identified by the route color name located on a digital display on the front and side of the bus. Do not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop. Entering Link Transit Vehicles Stand back to allow riders to exit the bus before you board. Pay the fare with cash ($1, $5, $10 bills), silver coins (exact change preferred, no pennies), Regional Fare Card, or Change/Transfer Pass. Link drivers do not make change. If you need to get a Transfer Pass for the next Link Transit bus, please inform the driver as you board or exit the bus. Priority Seating for persons with disabilities has been designated. Other passengers are asked to allow senior citizens and persons with disabilities to sit in this area, even if it means that other passengers are required to change seats or to stand. Safety Boarding and leaving the bus is at your own risk, please make wise choices based upon your mobility level. The next stop may be more accessible than the current stop. Video surveillance cameras are in use on every Link Transit bus for your safety. Take your seat as soon as possible. Do not change seats unless absolutely necessary. Children are not permitted to ride in strollers while on the bus. In addition, strollers must be closed and stowed safely while on the bus. Mobility devices utilized by passengers must be secured in the Priority Seating area while on the bus. All Link Transit vehicles are equipped to accommodate 2 bicycles. Load bicycles onto the front of bus prior to boarding. Transfers are good only at approved transfer points. Do not carry open cans, bottles, or food on the bus. No smoking/vaping or alcoholic beverages allowed on Link Transit buses. Do not use profanity on Link Transit buses. Weapons are prohibited on Link Transit buses. No items or conditions are permitted on the bus that may pose a health hazard for other riders or transit staff. No disruptive behavior or abusive language will be permitted. SHIRT and SHOES are REQUIRED when riding the bus. Playing individual radios on the bus distracts the driver and other passengers. For this reason, individual radios, electronic games and equipment are prohibited on Link Transit buses unless with headphones used properly. Exiting Link Transit Vehicles Exit from the front door when leaving a Link Transit bus. Have all items with you and prepare for exit before the bus stops. This allows for orderly exits and helps to keep the bus on schedule. Do not cross the street or walk in front or behind the bus until it has moved away from the bus stop. Pull the cord located along the top of the bus to indicate to the driver that you would like to exit at the next available stop. Persons with disabilities should request use of the ramp to exit at the front of the bus. Link Stops Many Link stops are located along the road, Link stops are marked with bus stop signs. Each sign indicates the bus route color that is picked up at that location. Lost and Found If you think that you left something on a Link bus please call (336) 222-LINK (5465) or email Articles that are found on Link vehicles are turned over to the Transit Administrator. Unclaimed articles will be discarded after 10 days.
- Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 5:30an-6:30pm No bus service on holidays