Haw River Historical Museum
- Address: 201 Main Street
- Haw River, NC 27258
- Phone: (336) 578-0784
About Us
Once the "Corduroy Capital of the World," Haw River was home to three North Carolina governors; to six inventors; to William Bason, one of the state's first dentists; to Charlie Poole, one of the originators of old time country music; to gardener Rudolph Topel; to Artelia Roney Duke, wife and mother of the founders of the American Tobacco Company and many other interesting people. Artifacts from three centuries and a large collection of photographs from the last 130 years celebrate the history of the town founded by Adam Trollinger in 1745. The museum is a salute to the life and the people of an American small town. Â
- Hours of Operation: Sunday: 1pm-4pm or by appointment. Group tours of museum and town available.
- Directions: Take Exit 150 off I-85/40 top of rampturn away from Alamance Community College after Truck Stop go to first light turn left (about 2 miles) next light turn left museum is on left.
- Admission: Free
- Handicapped: