The Alamance County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) established the annual Tourism Reimbursement Grant Program in July 1998. The Burlington/Alamance County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) administers the program.
The objective of the program is in place to stimulate the economic growth of tourism expenditures within Alamance County. The program is provided to assist any tourism related organization or project, which will enhance, promote and market Alamance County as a travel and tourism destination. The program seeks to assist in initiating such activities, which could not have been accomplished without this special funding.
Funding decisions are awarded based on the following: 1) the applicant’s ability and intent to attract visitors; 2) the impact of the funds on the success of the overall project; and (3) the successful completion and results of past projects. The CVB, with the direction and advice of the TDA, will review the applications, and of those applications considered, will require a presentation to be made for final approval.
At the current time, a total of $25,000 is available for distribution with a maximum of $5,000 for each application. Although having merit, a project may be written for a two-year grant cycle for a total of $10,000 (receiving funds in two installments), or $10,000 could be awarded based on availability of one year funds.
Grant applications will be distributed during the month of February. Applications must be completed and received by the designated date. All applicants will receive notification by date noted below of the final decisions. Grant money will be distributed at the completion of the project or item requested, after presentation of receipts for reimbursement no sooner than 20 days after the approval notification. The project must be completed and money distributed by the deadline unless the administrator has approved an extension.
Any Alamance County or regional organization that plans, promotes, or operates any Alamance County tourism related event, attraction, or activity that is open to the general public, and is visitor/tourism friendly, is eligible. If an organization has an outstanding grant project, they forfeit the opportunity to apply until said project is complete.
February 1, 2018 – Applications will be posted on the website.
March 15, 2018 – Deadline to receive application.
March 28, 2018 – Application review by the Tourism Development Authority.
April 25, 2018 – Applicant presentations.
May 1, 2018 – Recipients notified.
The last day to submit paid invoices for reimbursement, without jeopardizing the following year’s grant, must be completed within 12 months of the award.
- Projects must be tourism related and are awarded based on the significant amount or potential amount of tourism business generated for Alamance County.
- Primary consideration is given to projects that are: promotional in nature, intended to increase the impact to the area, have the ability to attract visitors on a continuing basis, and designed to enhance Alamance County as a travel destination.
- If the organization is publishing or producing a printed piece, neither the CVB nor the TDA should be listed within the publication without prior permission. In addition, if funding is for brochure production, monies awarded will be limited to the development and first printing of the brochure and not subsequent printings or printing of existing brochures.
- Before funds are disbursed, recipients must submit a project Accountability Form and copies of paid receipts within 30 days after completion of project. You will only receive funds for the amount that is shown by receipts; total amount granted is not automatically guaranteed only receipt amounts. The reimbursement must be paid directly to the organization that applied for the grant.
- Projects must meet the specifications of the accepted application and all guidelines followed or funds may be jeopardized.
- Funds will not be granted for normal and routine operating and administrative expenses of the organization applying. Routine operating expenses include postage, phone charges, shipping, salaries, etc.
- The CVB reserves the right to inspect the grant recipient’s records to ensure compliance with program guidelines and accuracy of financial reporting.
- A signed copy of these guidelines must accompany application, please retain a copy for your records and mail or deliver by deadline (no faxes accepted).
Please sign and date here, return with the application and retain a copy for your records.
I _______________________________ (name), representing____________________________ (organization) have read the following guidelines for the Annual Tourism Grant. I agree to abide by these guidelines with the understanding that the CVB reserves the right to cancel the award if these guidelines are not followed. All decisions made by the TDA Board are final.
Date _____________________________
All Inquiries and Applications Should Be Directed to Grace VandeVisser
Burlington/Alamance County Convention & Visitors Bureau
P.O. Box 519, Burlington, NC 27216-0519 Phone: 336-570-1444